Food chart for 10 months babies.

Early MorningBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formula
BreakfastIdli with sambar/coconut chutneyMoong dal cheela with tomato chutneyVegetable poha with curdVegetable upma with curdBesan chilla with coriander chutneyVermicelli upma with curdRagi dosa with coconut chutney
Mid-MorningSmall pieces of soft fruitRagi or oatmeal porridge with mashed bananaBoiled and mashed carrot/pumpkin with curdSoft cooked apple/pear slicesMashed avocado with mashed bananaCooked and mashed sweet potato with curdSteamed carrot or beetroot sticks
LunchChapati with dal and mashed veggiesRice with spinach dal and mashed veggiesSoft khichdi with mashed veggiesChapati with carrot and potato sabziRice with tomato dal and mashed veggiesChapati with paneer bhurji and mashed veggiesRice with dal and mashed veggies
Mid-AfternoonSmall pieces of soft fruitRagi or oatmeal porridge with mashed bananaBoiled and mashed carrot/pumpkin with curdSoft cooked apple/pear slicesMashed avocado with mashed bananaCooked and mashed sweet potato with curdSteamed carrot or beetroot sticks
Evening SnacksVegetable or paneer cutlets with tomato ketchupSteamed or roasted makhana with gheeBoiled sweet corn with grated paneerSteamed sweet potato fingers with coriander chutneySmall pieces of cheese with cucumber slicesChopped boiled egg with mashed avocadoBoiled and mashed potato with coriander chutney
DinnerSoft idlis with tomato chutneyRice with dal and mashed veggiesChapati with mixed veggie currySoft khichdi with mashed veggiesRice with cauliflower sabzi and dalChapati with mushroom curry and mashed veggiesRice with tomato dal and mashed veggies
BedtimeBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formulaBreast milk/formula
sample food chart for 10 month baby for starting baby foods.

Remember to introduce new foods slowly, one at a time, and observe your baby’s reaction. Also, make sure to consult with your pediatrician before introducing any new foods to your baby’s diet.

Please note that the food chart should be tailored to your baby’s specific dietary needs and preferences, and it’s always recommended to consult with your pediatrician or a qualified healthcare professional. Additionally, it’s important to consider any potential allergies or choking hazards when offering food to a 10-month-old baby, and always supervise them during mealtime.